• I am ready to provide quality unbiased independent educational evaluations to assist you in understanding your child’s needs and advocating for them. I am able to provide standardized testing in the following areas; cognitive, achievement, social/emotional, behavioral, adaptive, and autism. I am here to serve children in most locations in Kansas. I am Nebraska licensed as well. I have mobile and virtual options and can come to you!

  • I am also available for mental health therapy services via telehealth for adults ages 18-65 for clients residing in both Kansas and Nebraska. My primary models for therapy are cognitive behavioral and solution focused.

  • If you are a school district looking for a school psychologist, I am available as an independently contracted school psychologist as well.

Insurance Currently Paneled:

Sunflower Medicaid BCBS

Optum Medicaid (UHC) Aetna Commercial

Aetna Better Health Medicaid

WPPA/ProviDRs Care

*Insurance is listed for therapy services.  Most independent educational evaluation services are not covered by most insurances.  If you need to know if your requested services are covered prior to the service, you’ll need to call your insurance company directly.  They will likely ask for my NPI #1417190521 and/or License # 2027.   See fee schedules below.                           

Fee Schedule Independent Evaluations:

Please note my evaluation services are to be tailored to your child’s needs. I only recommend measures based on what your areas of concern may be and to answer the questions you want answered; there’s no minimum.

Phone consultation (15 minutes) FREE

Intake $200

Cognitive testing battery and scoring (per battery); $500

Academic testing battery and scoring (per battery); $500

Behavior ratings distribution of 1-3 forms and scoring; $250

Adaptive scales distribution of 1-3 forms and scoring; $250

Autism scales distribution of 1-3 forms and scoring; $250

Record review; $100/hr (1 hour minimum) - then rounded to 15 minute intervals

Report writing; $100/hr (1 hour minimum) - then rounded to 15 minute intervals

Meeting to review results; $100/hr (1 hour minimum) - then rounded to 15 minute intervals

Travel; current state mileage rate per mile from home address near Manhattan, KS to the location of your choice.

Travel Cost; $20/hr from home address near Manhattan, KS (1 hour minimum) - then rounded to 15 minute intervals

Fee Schedule for Telehealth Therapy:

Intake $175

30 Minute Session $110

45 Minute Session $135

60 Minute Session $160

* if you do not have insurance coverage for therapy or are not in network with companies I am paneled, we can discuss rates and options for payment.